ÖGEM Lisansüstü Seminer Serisi 10: "Understanding and Improving the Structure of Your Writing"
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ÖGEM Güz 2022 lisansüstü seminerlerinin ilki Rachael Cayley tarafından "Understanding and Improving the Structure of Your Writing" başlığı ile 3 Kasım 2022, Perşembe günü saat 15:30'da Zoom.us aracılığıyla verilecektir. Doç. Dr. Dr. Rachael Cayley ve seminer içeriği ile ilgili bilgiler aşağıda detaylandırılmıştır.
Rachael Cayley is an associate professor (teaching stream) at the Graduate Centre for Academic Communication, which is part of the School of Graduate Studies at the University of Toronto. She teaches academic writing and speaking to graduate students. Before joining the University of Toronto, she worked as an editor at Oxford University Press in Toronto. She has a PhD in philosophy from the New School for Social Research. Rachael blogs about academic writing for graduate students at Explorations of Style. She has a forthcoming book on graduate writing: Thriving as a Graduate Writer: Principles, Strategies, and Habits for Effective Academic Writing (University of Michigan Press, 2023).
Many writers struggle to revise their own writing. It can be deeply challenging to see problems and confusions in writing that is inherently familiar. In particular, writers often lack the capacity to revise their writing at the structural level. This missing expertise is significant because readers are reliant on sound structure to understand what they are reading. To learn to see and revise structure requires new revision techniques. The best strategy for revising the structure of academic writing is the reverse outline. This outline—which is reverse-engineered from a first draft—allows the writer to understand their own first draft and make the necessary improvements. This workshop will move through the stages of reverse outlining, giving participants a concrete introduction to this powerful technique for producing cogent academic writing.
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