What is it?

• Course observation is a method used for providing expert opinion and feedback for both face-to-face and online classes upon the request of the faculty.

• It might include evaluation of course syllabi, assessment tools, and/or course materials, if requested.

• This practice aims to enhance the effectiveness of faculty teaching based on the feedback provided by the experts.

Who can apply?

• The faculty of METU

When to apply?

• Upon the announcement e-mail by ÖGEM in the middle of the semester

Course Observation Protocol

• ÖGEM conducts this practice upon the request of the faculty.

• The faculty makes a request for the course observation by sending an e-mail to ogem@metu.edu.tr.

• The faculty is asked to fill out the pre-observation and evaluation form (Form A).

• Course observation is done using the course observation form (Form B or Form C) at the appointed time and date. The observation lasts at least one hour.

• The faculty is expected to inform their students about the purpose and the process of the observation beforehand.

• If requested by the faculty, the course syllabus, materials, and assessment tools are evaluated by experts at ÖGEM.

• The results are shared only with the faculty through a written report within one week of the course observation. If requested by the faculty, the report also includes the evaluation of the course syllabus, materials, and assessment tools.

• After sharing the report, the expert and faculty meet face-to-face or online to discuss the results.

• Lastly, the faculty is expected to fill in an evaluation form (Form D) to provide feedback about the effectiveness of the practice.

Last Updated:
11/01/2022 - 19:23