Adaption to University Life Group

12 October 2016 (6 Weeks)

Adaption to University Life Group

12 October 2016 (6 Weeks)

Adjustment to METU Campus

26 September 2016

New Life at METU

27 September 2016

Break Up Is Also A Part of Love

12 May 2016

The Biggest Barrier to My Success: Me

5 May 2016

Love and Romantic Relationships

28 April 2016

Coffee Hour Meeting: Assessment for Learning

22 April 2016

New Life at METU

29 September 2015

Procrastination: Pyscho-Education Group

January-February 2015

Welcome to University Life

7 October 2015

Coffee Hour Meeting: Conversations on Being an Academician and Education

27 February 2015