ÖGEM Graduate Seminar Series 11: "Integrity Dilemmas in Research"
Dear graduate students,
The third of ÖGEM Fall 2022 graduate seminars will be given by Prof. Dr. Finn Wynstra with the title of "Integrity Dilemmas in Research" on Wednesday, November 30, 2022 at 16:00 via Zoom.us. You can find detailed information about Prof. Dr. Finn Wynstra and the content of the seminar below.
Finn Wynstra is a Professor of Purchasing and Supply Management at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (Netherlands) and a fellow of the Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM). From 2004 to 2020, he held an Endowed Chair sponsored by the Dutch Association for Purchasing Management (NEVI). His research focuses on purchasing and supply management, in particular the interplay of supply and innovation processes, and buyer-supplier relations in business service contexts.
Currrently, Finn is Head of the Section for Supply Chain Management and member of the Executive Committee of the Department of Technology and Operations Management. Previous administrative positions have included those of Director of Doctoral Education and Associate Director at the Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM), and chair of the Erasmus University taskforce on scientific integrity.
Like in any profession, students and researchers are faced with dilemmas:
Can I exclude particular observations from my research? Can I leave out certain statistics from the analysis I report? Can I use the same data set, or research idea, in multiple papers? Should I agree on a colleague being a co-author on a paper to which (s)he has not made a significant contribution? This webinar aims to expose you to such integrity dilemmas, and to support you in developing and honing your own "moral compass". We do this by discussing the principles of research integrity, as particular as they apply to the field of management research.
Seminar language is English. To attend the seminar, please click here to fill out the registration form.